Zesty Terpene Thai Green Curry with Vegetables and Tofu

Step-by-step manual


Zesty Terpene Thai Green Curry with Vegetables and Tofu


S avor the exotic flavors of the Green Curry Tofu recipe, a delightful fusion of luscious coconut milk, bold Thai curry paste, mixed vegetables, and crispy tofu -- all infused with THC/CBD oil and a drop of limonene terpenes. To preserve the vibrant colors and crisp textures of your veggies, remember to simmer lightly. Add the terpene-infused oil towards the end to maximize flavor and ensure that the heat doesn't degrade the bioactive compounds. Complement this curry with steamy rice, and don't forget a squeeze of lime and fresh basil leaves for added zest. Experiment with different terpenes to diversify your flavor portfolio in this innovative cannabis culinary journey.


1 tablespoon coconut oil

2 tablespoons Thai green curry paste (adjust according to taste)

1 can (14 oz (400 ml)) coconut milk

1 cup vegetable broth

1 tablespoon soy sauce

1 tablespoon sugar (optional; for balance)

2 teaspoons THC/CBD infused olive oil

limonene terpene extract (ensure it's food-grade and adjust based on preference)

2 cups mixed vegetables (e.g., bell peppers, broccoli, snap peas and carrot slices)

1 block of firm tofu (pressed and cubed)

salt as well as freshly ground black pepper

fresh basil leaves

lime wedges (for garnish)


(1 of 5) Tofu Preparation: Begin by pressing the tofu to remove excess moisture, then cut into cubes. Lightly fry the cubes in a separate pan with a bit of coconut oil until all sides are golden. Set aside
(2 of 5) Curry Base: In a large pot, heat the coconut oil over medium heat. Add the Thai green curry paste, sautéing for a minute to release its flavors. Pour in the coconut milk and vegetable broth, stirring to combine. Bring the mixture to a gentle simmer.
(3 of 5) Adding the Vegetables: Add the mixed vegetables to the pot. Let the curry simmer until the vegetables are just tender, about 5-7 minutes. Avoid overcooking to maintain their vibrant colors and crisp textures.
(4 of 5) Infusion and Final Touches: Stir in the soy sauce, sugar (if using), THC/CBD infused olive oil and limonene terpene extract. Add the fried tofu cubes, gently mixing them into the curry. Season with salt and pepper to taste. Allow the curry to simmer for an additional minute, letting the flavors meld together.
(5 of 5) Serve the curry hot, accompanied by steamed jasmine or basmati rice. Garnish with fresh basil leaves and a squeeze of lime for an extra burst of freshness. This dish not only offers a delicious way to enjoy a range of vegetables but also showcases the innovative use of terpenes in enhancing the culinary experience.

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