Tropical Mango Infused Sorbet

Step-by-step manual


Tropical Mango Infused Sorbet


T urn your culinary adventure up a notch with this delightful Cannabis-infused Mango Sorbet. Kickstart the process with decarboxylating your cannabis and creating a potent tincture. Ensuring a complete absorption of THC/CBD into high-proof alcohol will be your secret weapon to a fruitful infusion. When infusing the sorbet base with cannabis tincture, remember, less is more! Adjust to taste and potency, acknowledging that homemade tinctures vary. Don't skip the chill time; not only does it guarantee an even freeze but also results in a silky texture. Freeze until firm for ease of scooping. For a touch of finesse, serve in chilled dishes and garnish as desired. Always remember, consume your sorbet cautiously due to the delayed impact of ingested cannabis. Enjoy your extraordinary cannabis culinary journey with this tropical treat!


¼ cup high-proof alcohol (like Everclear)

2 tablespoons cannabis (finely ground)

3 ripe mangoes (about 2 cups of mango puree)

¾ cup granulated sugar

1 cup water

Juice of 1 lime


(1 of 10) Preparation of Cannabis Tincture: Decarboxylate your cannabis by spreading it on a baking sheet and baking at 245°F (118°C) for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally. This process activates the THC/CBD, making it effective when ingested. Place the decarboxylated cannabis in a small jar and cover it with high-proof alcohol. Seal the jar tightly and let it sit for a few days in a cool, dark place, shaking it once daily. This creates a potent tincture by extracting THCCBD into the alcohol.
(2 of 10) Straining the Tincture: After a few days, strain the mixture through a cheesecloth-lined strainer into a clean container, squeezing out as much liquid as possible. This tincture can be stored in a dark, airtight container for several months.
(3 of 10) Preparing the Mango Puree: Peel and chop the mangoes, discarding the pit. Blend the mango pieces in a food processor or blender until smooth. You should have about 2 cups of mango puree. The ripe mangoes not only provide the sweetness and body to the sorbet but also a vibrant tropical flavor.
(4 of 10) Making the Sorbet Base: In a medium saucepan, combine the sugar and water. Heat over medium heat, stirring until the sugar has completely dissolved. Allow the mixture to cool to room temperature, then stir in the mango puree and lime juice. The lime juice adds a slight tartness that balances the sweetness of the mangoes.
(5 of 10) Adding the Cannabis Tincture: Stir in the cannabis tincture to the mango mixture according to your desired potency. It's important to start with a small amount and adjust according to taste and desired effect, as the potency of homemade tinctures can vary.
(6 of 10) Chilling the Mixture: Transfer the sorbet mixture to a bowl and refrigerate until thoroughly chilled, at least 4 hours or overnight. This step ensures that the sorbet freezes evenly and develops a smooth texture.
(7 of 10) Freezing the Sorbet: Pour the chilled mixture into an ice cream maker and churn according to the manufacturer's instructions until it reaches a soft-serve consistency. If you don't have an ice cream maker, you can pour the mixture into a shallow dish and freeze, stirring every 30 minutes to break up ice crystals.
(8 of 10) Storing the Sorbet: Transfer the sorbet to an airtight container and freeze until firm, about 2-4 hours, before serving. This resting period allows the sorbet to firm up, making it easier to scoop.
(9 of 10) Serving: Serve the sorbet in chilled bowls or glasses. Garnish with a sprig of mint or a slice of lime for an extra touch of elegance.
(10 of 10) Enjoy Responsibly: Remember, the effects of cannabis can vary greatly when ingested, so start with a small serving of sorbet and wait at least 2 hours to understand its full effects before consuming more.

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