High Haze Hazelnut Truffles

Step-by-step manual


High Haze Hazelnut Truffles


D ecadently rich Cannabis-Infused Chocolate Truffles are an indulgence on the culinary forefront of cannabis cuisine. To prepare, decarboxylate finely ground cannabis, blend with gently simmered heavy cream, then cool. This cannabis-infused cream meets high-quality dark chocolate, vanilla extract, and a dash of salt to manifest a glossy ganache. Upon setting, shape these exquisite truffles and cloak them in toasted hazelnuts or cocoa powder for that textural intrigue. Refrigerate to firm and serve at room temperature for a luxurious, melt-in-the-mouth experience. Store leftovers in an airtight container and remember - as with all edibles, start slowly, gauge your tolerance, and enjoy responsibly. A unique spin on a classic sweet, these truffles are a testament to the envisage of cannabis culinary creativity.


½ cup heavy cream

1 tablespoon cannabis (finely ground)

8 ounces high-quality dark chocolate (70% cocoa or higher (finely chopped))

½ cup cannabis-infused heavy cream

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

A pinch of salt

½ cup toasted hazelnuts (finely chopped)

Cocoa powder (for dusting)


(1 of 7) Infusing the Heavy Cream: Begin with decarboxylating your cannabis to activate the THC/CBD. Spread the finely ground cannabis on a baking sheet and bake at 245°F (118°C) for 30-40 minutes, stirring occasionally. Gently heat the heavy cream in a small saucepan over low heat until it simmers slightly. Stir in the decarboxylated cannabis and simmer gently for 45 minutes to an hour, being careful not to boil. Strain the cream through a fine mesh sieve or cheesecloth to remove the cannabis. Let the cream cool to room temperature.
(2 of 7) Making the Truffle Mixture: Place the finely chopped dark chocolate in a heatproof bowl. Pour the warm cannabis-infused cream over the chocolate, add the vanilla extract and a pinch of salt, then let sit for a few minutes to allow the chocolate to melt. Stir the mixture gently until smooth and glossy. If the chocolate doesn’t fully melt, place the bowl over a pot of simmering water (double boiler method) and stir until completely melted. Cover the mixture and refrigerate until set, about 2 hours or until firm enough to shape.
(3 of 7) Forming the Truffles: Once the chocolate mixture is set, use a melon baller or a teaspoon to scoop out small portions. Roll these portions between your hands quickly to form balls. If the mixture becomes too soft to work with, refrigerate it for a bit longer. Roll the formed truffles in the finely chopped toasted hazelnuts until well coated. For a variation, you can also roll some truffles in cocoa powder.
(4 of 7) Chilling the Truffles: Place the hazelnut-coated truffles on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper and refrigerate until firm, about 1 hour. This chilling step helps the truffles set and intensifies the flavors.
(5 of 7) Serving and Enjoying: Serve the truffles at room temperature for the best flavor and texture. The combination of dark chocolate, hazelnuts, and the subtle undertones of cannabis creates a sophisticated, melt-in-your-mouth experience.
(6 of 7) Storage: Store any leftover truffles in an airtight container in the refrigerator for up to 2 weeks. Let them come to room temperature before serving to enjoy their full flavor.
(7 of 7) Enjoy Responsibly: Remember that the effects of edibles can vary and take time to manifest. Start with one truffle and wait at least 2 hours to gauge its effects before consuming more.

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