Herb-Infused Butter Poached Chicken

Step-by-step manual


Herb-Infused Butter Poached Chicken


E levate your dinner with tender, cannabis-infused chicken breasts, gently poached in an aromatic mix of herb-infused butter and THC-olive oil. Brimming with subtle flavors, each bite offers a sensory delight, blending earthy herbs, rich butter, and delicate cannabis undertones. The low and slow cooking method guarantees a tender outcome, while optimal temperature control at 160-175°F ensures effective THC infusion without risking overcooking. For a burst of color and elegance, garnish with edible flowers or microgreens. Pair with mashed potatoes or a simple salad to balance the rich, creamy flavors. Enjoy responsibly, adjusting the amount of THC oil to your preference and potency. Bon appétit, enhanced!





(1 of 6) Go and shop 2 boneless, skinless chicken breasts, 1 cup unsalted butter, 1 tablespoon olive oil infused with THC (adjust based on potency and preference), a selection of fresh herbs (thyme, rosemary, and parsley are recommended), salt as well as freshly ground black pepper and (optional) edible flowers or microgreens for garnish
(2 of 6) Preparation of Infused Butter: In a small saucepan, gently melt the unsalted butter over low heat. Add a generous bundle of fresh herbs, allowing them to steep and infuse their flavors into the butter. After about 5 minutes of infusion, stir in the THC-infused olive oil. Keep the mixture on the lowest heat to maintain a liquid state without simmering.
(3 of 6) Poaching the Chicken: Season the chicken breasts with salt and pepper. In a skillet or a pot just large enough to hold the chicken in a single layer, pour the herb-infused butter mixture over the chicken. The butter should cover the chicken pieces. Gently poach the chicken over very low heat, turning once, until the meat is white throughout but still juicy, about 15 to 20 minutes depending on thickness.
(4 of 6) Monitoring the Temperature: Keep a close eye on the temperature of the butter. It should ideally stay around 160-175°F (71-80°C). This gentle cooking method ensures the chicken remains tender and absorbs the flavors of the herbs and THC without overcooking.
(5 of 6) Finishing Touches: Once the chicken is cooked, transfer it to a plate. You can cut in slices and sprinkle with green herbs or leave them as is for a rustic presentation. Optionally, reduce the remaining butter sauce to concentrate the flavors, and then spoon it over the chicken. Garnish with edible flowers or microgreens for a touch of elegance.
(6 of 6) Serve this dish with a side of creamy mashed potatoes, a simple green salad, or steamed vegetables to complement its rich flavors. The key to enjoying this dish lies in savoring the subtle interplay of herbs and the gentle infusion of THC, creating a dining experience that is both comforting and elevating.

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