Canna-Coconut Water Quencher

Step-by-step manual


Canna-Coconut Water Quencher


W hat we have here is a revitalizing Canna-Coconut Water Quencher incorporating homemade cannabis tincture, an invigorating blend of cannabis-infused alcohol. For added vitality, this drink wonderfully marries tangy lime juice with naturally hydrating coconut water. While you'll sweeten with honey or agave syrup according to your liking, don't forget to regularly shake your cannabis-alcohol mix for optimal THC/CBD extraction. As a guiding note, start with a small cannabis tincture to adjust potency and flavor. Finally, nothing says ‘refreshment’ like serving this quencher over ice, glamorized with a garnish of lime slices and mint leaves. Ensure responsible consumption and remain mindful of individual tolerance levels while enjoying this quencher.


1 ounce of decarboxylated cannabis

2 cups of high-proof alcohol (like Everclear)

4 cups of natural coconut water

2-4 droppers of the homemade cannabis tincture

Juice of 2 limes

1 tablespoon honey or agave syrup

Ice cubes

Lime slices and mint leaves (for garnish)


(1 of 11) Decarboxylate Your Cannabis: Preheat your oven to 240°F (115°C). Spread your cannabis evenly on a baking sheet and bake for 30 to 40 minutes. This process activates the THC/CBD, making it ready for infusion.
(2 of 11) Mix Cannabis and Alcohol: Place the decarboxylated cannabis in a sealable glass jar, then pour the high-proof alcohol over it, ensuring the plant material is completely submerged.
(3 of 11) Seal and Shake: Seal the jar tightly and give it a good shake. Store the jar in a cool, dark place.
(4 of 11) Shake Daily: Shake the jar once daily to agitate the mixture, which helps the THC/CBD dissolve more efficiently into the alcohol.
(5 of 11) Strain After a Few Weeks: After three to four weeks, strain the mixture through a fine-mesh strainer or cheesecloth into a clean jar, removing all solid material. Your tincture is now ready to use.
(6 of 11) Combine Coconut Water and Tincture: In a large pitcher, mix the coconut water with your homemade cannabis tincture. Start with a smaller amount of tincture and adjust according to taste and desired potency.
(7 of 11) Add Lime Juice: Squeeze the juice of 2 limes into the pitcher, adding a refreshing citrusy tang.
(8 of 11) Sweeten Optionally: If desired, stir in a tablespoon of honey or agave syrup for added sweetness. Adjust the amount to suit your taste.
(9 of 11) Stir Thoroughly: Mix the ingredients well to ensure the tincture and sweetener are evenly distributed throughout the coconut water.
(10 of 11) Serve Over Ice: Fill glasses with ice cubes and pour the quencher over them. The ice will cool the drink further, making it even more refreshing.
(11 of 11) Garnish and Enjoy: Garnish each glass with lime slices and mint leaves, then enjoy your refreshing Canna-Coconut Water Quencher.

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